Throughout the week prior to Pesach, there is generally no school. This year, all of the workshoppers participated in the "English Pasechot", run together in partnership with Hanoar Haoved V'halomed (our sister youth movement). The English Pasechot are 4-day-long day camps, with an emphasis on learning English, run for children in the 4-6th grade. English is taught through a range of activities such as tiyul (hike), cooking, crafts and acting with an obvious focus on the chag of Pesach.
This project (in previous years this was run in a different format of "english camp" for 3 days) relies heavily on the workshoppers and their English skills. A delegation of workshoppers were based in Beersheva, working in Ofakim, Dimona and Beersheva. They also were able to experience the different surroundings in the southern part of Israel, and participate in tours and hosting by various kvutsot bogrot (adult groups) from Hanoar Haoved V'halomed living in those areas. Other workshoppers travelled to Hadera every day, or joined other towns which needed extra support for the camp (Tiberias, Tsfat) so that for this week, the workshoppers were quite literally spread out all over the country!
The Pasechot gave many workshoppers a chance to either see a different part of the country or work with different chanichim or tzvatim; and other workshoppers a chance to spend more in-depth time with their regular chanichim and build even greater bonds between them. The feedback from all involved (particularly parents of the children participating) was tremendously positive and overall this experience was extremely worthwhile.
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