Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hi again,
This week on Boneh the focus was on the period that lasts from the destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem, to the beginning of the Emancipation. This is a very large period of time, most of which is commonly referred to as the Great Exile, and it marks the beginnings of the Diaspora.
On Sunday, a giant board game was played which aimed to give all the workshoppers an overview of what was going on with the Jewish Nation throughout the Exile period; to understand and examine the decisions made by Jews to ensure their survival; and to start thinking about the complexities of survival in the face of persecution. A look was taken at the transition from Beit Hamikdash (the Temple) to the formation of the Synagogue in the Diaspora. A further look was taken at the concept of Messiah, and how that has shaped the Jewish people throughout the exile period.
On Tuesday, an in-depth look at Spanish Jewry started with the viewing of a video on Torquemada, the chief inquisitor in Spain. This was followed by a long discussion and overview of the Golden Age of Spain, followed by the Inquisition and subsequent Expulsion. Many fascinating facts were discovered throughout the discussion, as it was a topic that was new to many of the workshoppers. That evening, a chavura group ran a peula on the Spanish Inquisition, which involved a lot of candy and chocolates, and some very amusing skits!
The siyur this week was to the Diaspora Museum in Tel Aviv, which focuses on the question of how Judaism was able to persevere throughout such a lengthy period in Exile. The highlight was definitely the Synagogue displays where there was a model of the very uniquely designed Conservative synagogue from Elkins Park, PA, which some of the workshoppers are very familiar with! Afterwards, we traveled to Yavne, which is where the spiritual centre for Jews was created by Yochanan Ben Zakkai, which entirely shaped the way we look at Judaism up until today. All that remains of the original settlement which stretched back to Biblical Times is a small hill (tel) which is fairly dilapidated, but has great views of the area. We then had a short walk through the town to the Synagogue where Rabban Gamliel is considered to be buried. There we had a discussion focusing particularly on the Pesach Hagaddah and the influence Gamliel had in its creation.
This week some of the workshoppers also worked on the Kibbutz, at various branches such as kitchen, dining room, gardens and laundry. Other workshoppers picked beetroots with Table To Table.
This Friday & Saturday is a weekend seminar focusing on the legacy of Yitzhak Rabin z"l, together with all Habonim Dror Long Term Program Participants. The seminar will finish with the annual Rabin memorial ceremony, held at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv.
Shabbat Shalom

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