Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Chag Sameach

Hi All
The orientation tiyul has now finished, and all workshoppers are either at their destinations for the chag, or on the way.
The tiyul by all accounts was a fantastic and fun experience where the workshoppers spent a lot of time together, and also with the Habonim Dror UK group. The hikes were challenging, but also rewarding in many senses.
On Monday, the group did the Ein Ovdat track, Tuesday the gorgeous Nachal Arugot (overlooking the Dead Sea) and then spent a few hours floating in the Dead Sea and stretching their muscles. This morning, they did a short hike of Nachal David (also overlooking the Dead Sea) before departing the area. [I will try to put up a few pics later in the day]
The chofesh period lasts until Sunday morning, upon where the workshoppers will have their Ivrit tests, to place them in different levels, and start their first Boneh seminar - Introduction to Judaism!
Wishing you and your families a Shana Tova,
Vered, Michael and the Workshop tzevet!

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