Saturday, April 26, 2008

Israel or Bust

I hope you all have been enjoying Passover and all its Matzah goodness. The Workshoppers are wrapping up their Pesach break in Israel and getting set to begin the final stretch of the program. While time is short, there is lots of important work and sikkuming(wrapping up) of the year yet to be done. There are also many important holidays, including Israel's 60th birthday, which is a truly special and momentous occasion for the Workshoppers to witness.

I am departing to Israel tomorrow where I will be from April 27th until May 10th. During that time I will doing my best to stay current on any emails and issues that may arise. I can also be reached on my Israeli cell phone whose number is:011-972-52-580-7124. Feel free to contact our offices as they may be able to answer any questions you may have or will make sure to follow up with me to make sure issues are taken care of.

While I am there I will be spending significant time with the Workshoppers to see their impressions first hand and to continue the process of evaluating and improving Workshop.

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom,

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