Hi all,
The workshoppers started tiyul early last Sunday in Achziv, with a short tekes (ceremony) of filling a water bottle from the Meditteranean, which symbolised the journey we were about the set off on, together with all the other Habonim Dror participants from all around the world - Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Brazil, Argetina and Uruguay. Altogether, there were approximately 200 people participating in this years tiyul.
On Sunday we hiked part of the Cziv trail, which is near Montfort and Goren Park. The hike ended with the workshoppers arriving to the campsite by foot, just in time for sunset and to set up the campsite. The hike was relatively short (4 hours) but had a very steep incline at the end, which proved very challenging for most of the workshoppers!! For dinner we had a giant barbeque, followed shortly by a world musicale hosted by our very own workshoppers.
On Monday we set off with a short bus ride to Elkosh bridge, and walked along Niria river bed, to Hirbet Homema (near the base of Mt Meron) and then proceeded to climb up to the top of the Meron. Mt Meron is the 2nd highest mountain in Israel, and has stunning views of the entire region. Most of the group then continued down Meron, along towards our campground for the night, Nachal Amud. The Nachal Amud camping ground is situated on the Cross Israel Trail, a very busy hiking track which goes from the north of the country, all the way to the south. Camping right next to us, were 400+ high school chanichim from Hanoar HaOved V'Lomed, our Israeli sister movement!
On Tuesday the workshoppers set off to hike the Upper Nachal Amud trail, but unfortunately, about 45 minutes into the hike, we got a weather update from our
cheder matzav (situation room) of the
Moked Teva (Nature Hotline) which, due to a heat wave warning, did not let us continue the length of Nachal Amud. Instead, the workshoppers spent some time in the Schia Pools, small pools of water along the track and rested and played games with the other hiking groups. After lunch, we were allowed to continue on another 1.5 miles/2 km and then along a different track towards Sfat, which once again had a very steep incline (anyone familiar with Sfat will know that it is in a very mountainous area!). A short bus ride took the workshoppers back to the Camping Ground. Upon arrival back, the workshoppers were met with the famous sight of the spinning roasting chickens, which provided a sumptous feast for dinner (With vegetarian options of eggplant and tomato stew provided of course!)
On Wednesday, we got up our earliest yet - 5am! - in order to pack up the campsite and after a short bus ride near to Kibbutz Hukuk, start the final leg of the hike, primarily through banana fields, and all the way to the beach at Kibbutz Ginosar. We finished with a short tekes, involving the bottle of water which we had filled up and carried from the Meditteranean to the Kinneret, and the distribution of Yam L Yam shirts!! After that everyone rejoiced in some swimming time and the chance to have a shower finally, before boarding buses back to their destinations for the Simchat Torah chag.
A great time was had by all, and some workshoppers made great friends with various other Habonim Dror participants from around the world. The next worldwide Habonim Dror event, the Rabin Memorial Seminar weekend, will be at the beginning of November.
This upcoming week, the workshoppers return to the usual Boneh schedule. This weeks seminar theme is an Introduction to the Tanach - looking at stories and interpretations from Creation, Noah, Abraham and the founding fathers and mothers.